Posted in Christmas, elf on a shelf

Elf on a Shelf – Part 1

Elf on a shelf, Christmas
Our Elf (Josie) watching Christmas movies

So… this year, we decided to get a real Elf on the Shelf on Black Friday.  I didn’t know too much about this but after reading the book that came with her, the kids and I were hooked.  I am having so much fun finding her in so many new situations.  The kids immediately go to the bookshelf every morning to see if she is there.  If she’s not, its a giant scavenger hunt till she is found.

The other day our elf, Josie, was watching Christmas movies after she got back from seeing Santa! She must have been inspired by the North Pole!

elf on a shelf, Christmas, tree
Hiding in the tree!












The one above is one of my favorites.  I saw several people do variations of this so I was super excited that Josie chose to put green streamers on all 3 of my kids’ doors!

Elf on a shelf, Christmas
Playing Twister?


This one was fun! Josie must have gotten the idea and the printable from frugal coupon living. 

She even found a friend on her way back!