Posted in Math Games

Decimal Dice Game For Grades 4-6

dice, place value, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6
Decimal Dice Game – A game involving place value, adding and comparing decimals to the thousandths place

Last year, I was fortunate enough to attend a NCTM (National  Council Teachers of Mathematics) conference in Minneapolis, MN.  One of the booths that was represented was a booth from Box Cars and One- Eyed Jacks.  (Their website is located here)

I bought some of the coolest place value dice.  They were about 50 cents each and you can buy them online also however the shipping is expensive.  I also found them on Amazon located here for decimals and whole numbers. Each of the dice had a particular number on them -see the picture below.


So when I got back home, I tried to think of something to do with these awesome dice.  At the time, we were working on adding and subtracting decimals so I made the worksheet above.  In it, the kids received one each of the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths dice.  Their job was to take turns rolling the dice and then adding them together. Once they got their numbers, they had to compare it to their partners.  A colleague of mine suggested that they could compare their numbers and determine which had the largest decimal therefore hitting not one, but multiple common core standards at the same time.

The kids had so much fun with these dice.  I bought several of the larger place value dice as well.  My next task is to develop some additional games or worksheets for students to write numbers in standard, expanded and word forms with those.

If you would like a copy of the worksheet above that I made, click here and you can print your own copy.  I also have a store at Teachers Pay Teachers that has some more awesome math stuff.

If you would like to see some other awesome games I use in my classroom, click any of the links below, or go to menu, Math is Awesome, Math Games.

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