Posted in Candle Making, Projects

Natural Soy Wax Candle Making for Beginners

SUMMER!!! Summer to me means time away from work that I can concentrate on spending time with my kids, taking vacations and completing projects. Projects that involve learning new things that I have always wanted to learn or crafting projects with the kids or just deep cleaning the house.

This summer I decided to learn how to make candles. This was one of the things I have always wanted to learn and decided that this would be the summer.

Scented candles are burnt frequently at my house as we love the smell and look of a burning candle. However, they can become quite costly when shopping at Bath & Body Works, Yankee or other places. So my daughter and I headed to Hobby Lobby.

When we were first started looking through the aisle of candle making supplies, we were very overwhelmed with all of the options and didn’t know where to start or what even to buy to begin. Luckily we found a Natural Soy Wax Candle Making Kit from Country Lane which had all the things we needed to begin making our first candle. (You can also buy this from Amazon)

The kit included…

  • Pouring Pot (for melting the wax and pouring it directly into the glass)
  • 14 oz of Soy Wax
  • 7 oz jar with lid
  • Votive Flower Pot Container
  • 6 Wicks
  • Color and Fragrance (There was a ton of color in mine- I only used 1 out of 9 squares)
  • Instructions
  • 4 Metal Tea Light Cups

All of the supplies were packed nice and neat into the pouring pot. Once we laid everything out, we began reading the instructions. They were very easy to follow. Inside the kit came 9 green coloring block dyes and a 0.5 ounce bottle of pearberry scent. I used the entire bottle of scent but still have 8 of the dye blocks to use for other candles.

The 14 oz of wax that was included made 4 tea candles, the flower pot container and the 7 oz jar candle. I actually had wax left over that I used to top some of my other candles off. We were so surprised at how easy these were to make, especially since this was our first time and we had no idea what we were doing.

This was definitely a great project and I would definitely recommend this kit for anyone who is a beginner and wants to learn. I know after doing this, I can now order wax, wicks and color blocks off Amazon or walk into Hobby Lobby and actually know what I’m looking at in the aisle. We are looking forward to making other types of soy candles and different scents in the future. We have even started saving our glass jars (ex: pasta sauce, pickels, etc) to reuse so we don’t have to keep buying glass containers. No more buying the expensive candles for me!